Hi, all! My name is Ray, and I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto studying computer science, mathematics, and linguistics. As a student, some of my interests include computational linguistics, machine learning, and UI/UX design.
Outside of studying, some of my pastimes and hobbies include playing video games (when I have the time nowadays), and listening to music.
My career goals at the moment are to graduate university with a Bachelor's, and work in the field of software engineering, perhaps with a supplemental professional Master's down the road to broaden my knowledge of machine learning. But that's still far in the future!
To contact me, please email me at either
contact (at) raychen (dot) dev
raychen (dot) chen (at) mail (dot) utoronto (dot) ca.
That's pretty much all I got! Why don't you check out my resume and some other cool things I've put together in the top right of this page?